Thursday, October 11, 2012

Day 17

Wooo hooo. Today I'm 131.6. Been doing yoga and pilates every single darn day and eating very well. No beer. A little wine. No potatoes or rice.

Stay tuned. When I get below 130, it will be cause for celebration.


  1. I took the same pills and had the same results. The fluctuating weight loss and weight gain continued throughout the 3 week process, while I continued to work out for an hour daily at least 4 times a week. I don't know if the weight loss was the result of the pills or the change in my eating habits and exercise regimen. I was thinking about starting the pills again until I read your posts and was reminded about the disappointing process.

  2. I've actually given up. As they say, diet and exercise is the way to lose weight.
